“Learning, Playing & Growing Together”
Call Us: 1-801-957-3070
Our Center hours are from 7:30 am - 10 PM Monday-Thursday, and 7:30 am- 5:30 pm on Fridays. We want all of our parents to know that you are welcome and encouraged to drop by at any time. Come share an activity, read to the children, nurse your baby, celebrate a birthday, or just visit them at lunch time. Please do expect to take a few moments at drop off to help your child wash hands, sign your child in, and establish a simple farewell routine so that your child feels safe and comfortable.
Sample Morning Schedule
7:30 - 8:30 Arrival/Free choice
Free choice options are rotated. There are always art options and a small manipulates center and dramatic play options.
8:30 - 8:45 Clean Up / Music & Movement
The children are encouraged to dance and sing and play with musical items to a variety of music both familiar, and from different cultures and styles.
8:45-9:15 - Breakfast
Our breakfast follows the recommended nutritional guidelines set by the USDA that requires that all children are offered specific components that create a nutrient rich, low sugar meal.
9:15-9:45 - Outdoor /Gym
Except in the case of extreme weather or red air days the children will be offered play time outside. On days when going outside is not feasible, the children will be taken on walks, and the large gym is offered for them to have a place to run and play.
9:45 - 10:00 - Large Group
Depending on the age of the children different large group activities are offered. These can be teaching a variety of skills through play that help the children to develop science concepts, math concepts, reading and language concepts, colors, counting, sorting, and have new sensory experiences, all while encouraging creativity, cultural awareness and social skills.
10:00 - 11:00 - Free Choice / Small Groups
Free choice is a time set aside for unstructured play which is an important part of brain development in children. It allows them to direct their learning and explore and be creative.
11:00 - 11:15 - Read Aloud / Music & Movement
Reading time teaches children so many things! Literacy, but also group interaction, prediction, anticipation of events (pre-science), and imagination. Music & Movement also teaches children to be confident in their own abilities as they dance and sing. It is just a wonderful bonding time with the whole class.
11:15 - 11:45 - Outside / Gross Motor Activities
Lack of outdoor play time affects children's ability to learn and focus. By making sure our children play outside ensures the children are more physically active and healthy, more creative, less stressed, less over-stimulated, and that they have lots of time to explore and be creative.
11:45 - 12:15 Lunch Time
Children are provided a hot meal contracted through the head start kitchen. These meals offer all the FDA recommended nutrients for growing children. We are happy to accommodate the religious/philosophical and medical needs of the children in your family. We do ask that outside food is not brought in.
Sample Afternoon Schedule
12:15 -2:15 Rest time Offered / Quiet Activites
Children over the age of 2 are offered a rest time. One and two year old children have a napping routine established. Babies are allowed to sleep on their own schedule.
2:15 - 3:00 Quiet Activities / Small Groups
Ideal small group sizes for young children are two to three children. In groups of this size the children gain confidence in their interactions with each other and teachers can assist the children in processing information on more challenging tasks individuated to their own skill sets. While some children are napping, this is an ideal time for small group learning.
3:00-3:30 - Snack Time
We offer children a snack that always includes 2 of the following components: a fruit or a vegetable, a milk or milk substituent, a meat or protein, or a grain.
3:30 - 4:00 Outdoor /Gym
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children have plenty of exercise, and also have at least an hour per day to unwind, relax and have some simple creative play time. Getting some time for simple creative play outdoors is good for their growth, mental health and social development.
4:00 - 4:30 - Large Group Activity
Depending on the age of the children different large group activities are offered. These can be teaching a variety of skills through play that help the children to develop science concepts, math concepts, reading and language concepts, colors, counting, sorting, and have new sensory experiences, all while encouraging creativity, cultural awareness and social skills.
4:30 - 5:30 - Free Choice / Departure
Children do most of their learning though exploration. Children are encouraged to engage in process based and not product based learning during free time. By offering open ended projects, and encouraging children to explore with materials and use their imagination, children's natural curiosity and self confidence is developed.